Thursday, February 2, 2012

Travel Day to Hong Kong

This morning we were sad to leave Annie and the family, I am so happy that we were able to meet them and stay for a week.
On the way to the airport we stopped at the Queensbay Mall to have lunch and play at the indoor play centre.

Don went shopping while I played with the kids. This place was perfectly easy for Tasi to climb around and we were the only ones there!

Our flight was delayed but we finally made it to Hong Kong and to the Disneyland Hollywood Hotel and we are super duper excited!

Yep, those are ears on my bath gel!! The boys went for a little walk and there were cartoons on the TV and we are right outside Disneyland . . . it was after 11 before the kids even went to bed. Disneyland tomorrow, yay!

Accommodation - $210
Food - $50
Transport - $51
Airfare - $984
Extras - to Annie for laundry and internet and bottled water $30
phone $73 (totally not happy about this, it was in the airport and I wasn't sure about the exchange rate and I think the guy must have offered me the most expensive plan, and we are just going to be here a week. Oh well, guess I need to use my phone a lot more!)
tip $1.20 (hahahaha, so mentioned not being sure about the exchange rate right! The bellboy brought up our bags and then was kinda hanging out, I hadn't even set my purse down so I was caught a little off guard - I haven't stayed in this nice of a place in a really really long time - and Don says, "give me some money" so I grab a ten. The bellboy gave a funny look but tried to act normal. We got internet late at night and checked, I gave him a dollar, ha ha ha oops!

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