Monday, February 20, 2012

Bike Riding

Our hotel has free bikes so Makoa and I took them out today for a date. I was a bit nervous at first, thinking, I am riding a bike in Vietnam with Makoa on the back, oh my! But then I got a bit used to it. 
First stop was a shoe shop where Makoa chose the design and colors for his own pair of shoes. It was a bit intimidating for him as there are so many choices and the shopkeeper is right there with you the whole time looking over your shoulder. But he did a great job! 

Next stop was lunch.
Vietnamese food is a bit of a French and Asian fusion. I had vegetable noodles and Makoa enjoyed a cheese sandwich and steamed rice. 

This lady was in front of me on the way home, see Dad, everyone does where those hats!
In the evening we all went on bikes and ventured a bit further to Hoi An Ancient Town, a UNSECO World Heritage Centre. There were beautiful buildings and bridges, and I can't wait to go again for a closer look.
We found a vegetarian restaurant on the way home, after riding through the madness that is the Central Market. Makoa went into the bathroom and locked himself in. Ha ha ha ha, until this is the window through which you can barely see your boy and there is not one else in the restaurant to help unlock the door. 
A bit of jiggling and hitting and pushing and lifting from both sides and a new rule to not lock the door if it is just Mommy or Daddy on the other side and my boy was free. Not fun. But the bike ride home was and the kids LOVE bike rides now!

Accommodation - $92
Food - $30
Shoes - $16

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