Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Better With Kids

Yesterday I went exploring on my own. My first stop was "The Cloth Market." I was hoping to buy some fabric, but quickly found out that what was secretly for sale was the clothing that they wanted to make you with the fabric. Some very nice ladies let me browse their mountains of cloth, but after one rude encounter I was on my way further into town.

I decided to fulfill my shopping bug by buying the kids some souvenirs, then took some pictures of the beautiful town I was exploring. The Japanese Bridge, lanterns in the trees, and an old boat all decorating this wonderful place.

As I waited for lunch I decided that although I was looking forward to exploring on my own, I actually like the way people treat me better with kids in tow. Sure they might embarrass us at restaurants and they don't always want to wait while I take pictures, and right now I am hiding in the bathroom typing quietly as I am trying to get them to sleep . . . but people are so nice to you when you have cute little kids. Both kids are polite and talk to everyone they meet. Tasi has learned that the first question asked is usually 'what's your name' and second 'how old are you' so now she always says "Tasi" first and then "one"! They wave and smile and people smile back and give them lollies when we stop into shops and tell me how great the kids are. When I travel with them I think people first look at the kids and can't help but smile and then help me with whatever I am doing, without them I am just another tourist and potential buyer.

For dinner I found the only playground in town, at the back of the Dingo Cafe. A Canadian/Australian couple opened an import store and restaurant for travelers and expats and it was perfect timing for us to be there. We bought peanut butter and honey, yogurts, and stuffed ourselves at dinner. The kids first played for an hour though!

Accommodation - $92
Food - $56
Shopping & Laundry - $39
Transport - $1

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