Friday, February 10, 2012

Disneyland Take 2

It was only a little bit more to buy a 2-day Disneyland pass, and it puts a whole lot less pressure on day 1 (especially with a 1 year old) if we know we get to go back. So, on Tuesday we went to Disneyland AGAIN! This time we took Kai with us and we had a ball. He brought lollies for the taxi ride.
We arrived right as it opened and raced to the newly opened Toy Story Land. Stopping to humour Mommy/Auntie for photos.
No lines meant we could go on the parachute ride several times. Then Don took all of the kids on the Slinky ride.
Don and Makoa went on the RC ride. That is them in the front row on the left.
Then to Buzz Lightyear and Autotopia - Kai was my crazy driver!
Water play and checking out the Cars toys while wearing Cars pants.
The boys were so cute heading to each new ride
It's a Small World.
Checking out the play stuff by Tarzan's Treehouse. 
It was about time to leave so the boys discussed with Don what they wanted to do for their final ride.
They agreed upon the 3D movie (then more Buzz of course!) 
Bye Disney
We took the trains home. First one was a Disney train to the main train line. It had Mickey windows and Mickey hand holds. Too cute but too crowded and too exhausted to pull out the camera! When we got home there was a cute baby to greet us. 
Don joined the family for dinner but the kids and I went back to our room. Hotel meal was yogurt, cheese sandwiches, and corn and cauliflower cooked in the tea kettle!! Then bathtime and asking me to take pictures!
What a fun day! I am just a little tired though :)

Accommodation - $96
Food - $57
Transport - $26
Extras - $35

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