Thursday, February 9, 2012


Baby Kiara was not feeling well today so we weren't able to hang with Jessica and her family - time for Plan B. We took the hotel shuttle to Tsim Sha Tsui, about an hour away from where we are staying in the New Territories. This is the part of Hong Kong that is in the media and has all of the tourists - big buildings, flashing lights, expensive handbags and jewelery and men trying to sell Don suits.

Don and I would have loved to take our time and look around and take pictures and just hang out  - but we are with two kids who were happy to find escalators and fountains!

We crossed the road to check out the harbour/ferry area and Makoa took some pictures in one of the buildings.

We continued along the warf and it was beautiful.

A little more walking and we found ourselves on the Avenue of Stars (kind of like the one in Hollywood) and the kids and I were getting hungry. Don and Koa ran ahead to see if they could see a restaurant and Tasi had one of the worst meltdowns ever. I usually find the people taking pictures of my kids cute, but while I was trying to calm Tas down a woman came close to take a photo and I looked at her and said "are you kidding me?" I think she was a little surprised, maybe I was too! Don calmed Tas down and we all had a snack - poor Don he has three people in the family who get super cranky without food! Looking for a place to eat at 3:45 and we found ourselves at McLovin's :) The kids played nicely and we were stuffed to the gills.

I have been trying to put a video here of Tas talking, but it is not working . . . guess I will try again in another post.
Anyway, after dinner we walked some more and found ourselves at to Kowloon Park and a great playground.

We made it to the Temple Street Night Market where we saw funny knock offs like 'Race 2' (instead of 'Cars 2') and then raced ourselves back to catch the shuttle. Fun time in the city, but happy we are staying in the suburbs! Leaving you with the funny sign of the day.

Accommodation - $98
Transport - $17
Food - $111
Internet - $14

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