Monday, February 20, 2012

Little India & High Tea

On Wednesday Makoa and I spent 3 hours on the pool and I spent about that much online booking the rest of our trip, whew, glad that is finished! 

Thursday was our last full day in Singapore so we decided to explore Little India. We ate lunch at a giant food court at the wet market. After we ate we walked past brightly colored saris and piles of fragrant curry spice. An overload for all our senses.

Walking around we past a photography shop with this portrait inside. 
Ha ha ha! He must have been very proud of that video camera!

In the train station on the way home I told Tasi she either had to hold a hand or go in the stroller. She ran up to grab Makoa's hand :) 
Don and the kids went home and I went to the shopping center that was apparently having an appearance from someone famous.
It was complete madness, and so much fun! Wish I knew who was so exciting, but since I didn't I enjoyed hearing the screams and walking into empty stores. I also stopped from some tea cakes and special mint coffee, yum yum yum!

Wednesday & Thursdays
Accommodation - $186 & $186
Food - $58 &  $28
Transport - $-13 rebate for returning train passes
Extras - $16 for laundry, $62 for visa pics, $52 for a week of internet

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