Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Big Day in Batu Ferringhi

Yesterday we had a zero day and didn't do much at all, so we had a very big and fun day today! The kids are all back to school on Monday (school holidays for the new year festivities) so I decided to cram a lot into today before the weekend. I hired a car and driver for the morning and our first stop was the Butterfly Farm - a Christmas present from Grandma Dawn!
You walk straight in to these amazingly beautiful gardens with butterflies all around you.
We got there just after opening time so had the whole place nearly to ourselves. Makoa was the leader, of course, and we looked at fish, 
and reptiles (he would not pose with me - the brat!)
and took some photos in the Lovers Gazebo.
There was a gorgeous pond that I think my mom would LOVE.
Fun fact from the farm, did you know that?
After we walked around the outside bit a few times, we went inside to check out the museum part. There was a small cinema area. Makoa sat down in front of me and Tasi joined him :)
They are so cute together! There were several different types of insects and beetles and frogs and lots more inside. There was a black light in the tank of the Malaysian scorpions making it look like they were glowing.
On the way out Makoa wanted his picture taken with the rhinoceros beetle.
Thank you Grandma Dawn, we had such a fun morning!
Back in the car Tasi was coughing a lot and acting tired so the driver dropped she and Don off while Makoa and I went on to our next activity - pewtersmithing at Royal Selangor!

Royal Selangor is Malaysia's famous pewter shop and nearby they have a School of Hard Knocks - a workshop area where the kids can create a bowl out of pewter. I went with the intention of signing Makoa up for next week, but they allowed us up today for our own tour and course. Makoa started with a flat piece of pewter,

And he banged and banged and banged, and with a little bit of help it took shape

We left with our very own handcrafted bowl with Makoa's name at the bottom and a certificate. Thanks Grandma Debbie and Grandpa Bob for a very fun gift!

Then we were back home for a nap and in the evening were looking to get out of the house again, so off to check out the beach!

I love my cute kids and cute hubby!
Beautiful end to a fabulous day!

Accommodation - $62
Food - $68
Transport - $39
Extras - Merry Christmas and thank you Grandma Dawn & Grandma Deb and Grandpa Bob!

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