Friday, February 10, 2012

Monday Playdate

Monday was Jessica's first day back to work, so Makoa and I met Mabo and Kai at the park for a play date. We went to the wet market for a snack too. There was yummy fruit and veggies for sale, along with fish and sharks and interesting pieces of animals too. Mabo had asked me last week how we get along in all of these different countries without knowing the language. Well, I was put to the test at the steamed dumpling cart as I whipped out the trusty pen and paper to draw a pig and fish and chicken and crossed them out to then be shown my two choices left. Whatever works I think!

After work we met the family again for a vegetarian feast. I got to catch up with Jess (who got lots of baby cuddles!)

The boys played games.

We ate several yummy plates of food.

And Jess treated me to a wife cake for dessert!

Accommodation - $98
Food - $126
Transport - $6

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