Monday, February 20, 2012

Travel Day to Hoi An, Vietnam

Friday morning at 5am we headed to the Singapore airport for yet another travel day! The kids are getting great at playing with whatever is at hand.
And Don is getting quite good at keeping the kids occupied while I take care of border crossings. I was pretty nervous about the Vietnam crossing. Even though I had taken care of getting the approval letter, had double the amount of US currency needed, and filled out the paperwork beforehand I was afraid something would happen. But, everything was fine and after a little waiting we got our "hello Vietnam" stamps in our passport and were on our way. First stop at the ATM and I pulled out 5 MILLION . . . dong! The exchange rate is over 20000dong to 1aud, but I am imagining being a millionaire for a minute :) Once that passed, it was nice to have transportation to our hotel arranged so that Don and I could enjoy the drive to Hoi An while the kids slept. 

Our hotel is beautiful and right on the river.
We have a pool, but it is a bit too cold to go swimming. 
We hung out in our bungalow, had dinner at the hotel restaurant, and tried to stay awake until bedtime!

Accommodation -$92
Food - $46
Transport - $22
Extras - $100 for visa on arrival

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