Monday, February 20, 2012

Exploring Hoi An

Saturday morning we were treated to a fantastic free breakfast with fresh fruit, eggs, pancakes, and bread basket. Energy restored, Tasi and I went for a walk in search of laundry and groceries. I was headed to the 'Central Market' armed with my map and assurances that I could buy nappies and bread. I was thinking of a supermarket, nope, I found myself in a block of little shops and ladies selling fruit and veggies from small stalls, and more ladies trying to get me to buy something from their tailor shops. I came home exhausted with only bread, nappies, and Ritz crackers, and first made Don wash Tasi's hands and face as 105 people I met along the way stopped to shake her hands or squeezed her cute cheeks. 

After naptime Don wanted to check out the town too, and we needed some food as my first attempt was not successful, so we hopped in a taxi. The market was a bit less chaotic as the morning rush was over, and we found a nice place to have dinner and ice cream!
It POURED on the way home, even though I had ponchos for the kids and umbrellas for us, we were drenched and in need of a hot shower and comfy bed.

Accommodation - $92
Food - $46
Transport - $1
Laundry - $5

1 comment:

  1. I'm still amazed at how many genuine smiles your kids have through this whole experience. They're such great troopers!
