Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Pretty Feet

The kids woke at just after 6 this morning and although we were hungry by 7, I don't think the kitchen staff were quite as eager to see us - what was I saying about how great it is to travel with kids?! I kept them occupied until Don finished work and then we went into town for lunch. I found the Karma Cafe, a vegan place Don had read about online. The food was good, but Don had a bit of an issue with bad translation. He ordered "Melon Juice" from the menu and was brought cucumber juice. Don HATES cucumbers! This pretty drink only decorated our table!

On our way back from lunch with our new modes of transport that we LOVE.

During naptime I went to get a pedicure and foot massage. Once I sat down and looked around I was panicked thinking, should I have checked out the place first? are those tools clean? is it ok? There was an old woman getting her hair washed and blow dried, and although the ladies seemed nice they didn't speak but 10 words in English. Turned out you don't need fancy pictures on the wall to make pretty toes :) And after my pedicure one of the woman brought me up some steep stairs to an air conditioned room with music playing for my foot massage. I smiled as the first song playing was 'Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps' - the song Don and I danced to for our ballroom class final! My foot/leg massage was over and seemed to include a head massage and shoulders too. Although it was wonderful I was skeptical after my experiences yesterday. How much was she going to charge? $11! I paid $14 and the woman tried to give money back. Love it!

Accommodation - $92
Food - $37
Extras (massage and laundry) - $17

Better With Kids

Yesterday I went exploring on my own. My first stop was "The Cloth Market." I was hoping to buy some fabric, but quickly found out that what was secretly for sale was the clothing that they wanted to make you with the fabric. Some very nice ladies let me browse their mountains of cloth, but after one rude encounter I was on my way further into town.

I decided to fulfill my shopping bug by buying the kids some souvenirs, then took some pictures of the beautiful town I was exploring. The Japanese Bridge, lanterns in the trees, and an old boat all decorating this wonderful place.

As I waited for lunch I decided that although I was looking forward to exploring on my own, I actually like the way people treat me better with kids in tow. Sure they might embarrass us at restaurants and they don't always want to wait while I take pictures, and right now I am hiding in the bathroom typing quietly as I am trying to get them to sleep . . . but people are so nice to you when you have cute little kids. Both kids are polite and talk to everyone they meet. Tasi has learned that the first question asked is usually 'what's your name' and second 'how old are you' so now she always says "Tasi" first and then "one"! They wave and smile and people smile back and give them lollies when we stop into shops and tell me how great the kids are. When I travel with them I think people first look at the kids and can't help but smile and then help me with whatever I am doing, without them I am just another tourist and potential buyer.

For dinner I found the only playground in town, at the back of the Dingo Cafe. A Canadian/Australian couple opened an import store and restaurant for travelers and expats and it was perfect timing for us to be there. We bought peanut butter and honey, yogurts, and stuffed ourselves at dinner. The kids first played for an hour though!

Accommodation - $92
Food - $56
Shopping & Laundry - $39
Transport - $1

Monday, February 20, 2012

The Marble Mountains

Today we went to the Marble Mountains which has several caves and Buddhist temples and natural tunnels and entrances, making it a fun place to explore.

First we had to climb over 100 steep steps.

But it was worth the work because there was an enormous Buddha statue to greet us at the top.

We continued along the path and found some caves to explore - sorry the pics of the kids didn't turn out well, but the scripts and temples and statues inside were amazing.

Back outside checking out the temples and pagodas.

We climbed a lot a lot a lot of steps. Don and Koa walked a little faster than me as Tasi started playing a game posing for pictures on every step :)

We went inside a cave and Don and Makoa went ahead through a tunnel. About 10 minutes later I hear a yell from above and the boys got out, but could not get back, hope to see you on the other side . . . luckily a man came down and helped carry Tasi down the steep way down.

But they had fun exploring and had fun telling me about it!

We found another tunnel to explore.

Then Don took the kids to the final last look out.
One more pagoda and happy Buddha before we leave.

And a whole bunch of steps down. Man I am happy that Don carries Tasi on his back!

Accommodation - $92
Food - $40
Transport - $5
Park Entrance - $2

Bike Riding

Our hotel has free bikes so Makoa and I took them out today for a date. I was a bit nervous at first, thinking, I am riding a bike in Vietnam with Makoa on the back, oh my! But then I got a bit used to it. 
First stop was a shoe shop where Makoa chose the design and colors for his own pair of shoes. It was a bit intimidating for him as there are so many choices and the shopkeeper is right there with you the whole time looking over your shoulder. But he did a great job! 

Next stop was lunch.
Vietnamese food is a bit of a French and Asian fusion. I had vegetable noodles and Makoa enjoyed a cheese sandwich and steamed rice. 

This lady was in front of me on the way home, see Dad, everyone does where those hats!
In the evening we all went on bikes and ventured a bit further to Hoi An Ancient Town, a UNSECO World Heritage Centre. There were beautiful buildings and bridges, and I can't wait to go again for a closer look.
We found a vegetarian restaurant on the way home, after riding through the madness that is the Central Market. Makoa went into the bathroom and locked himself in. Ha ha ha ha, until this is the window through which you can barely see your boy and there is not one else in the restaurant to help unlock the door. 
A bit of jiggling and hitting and pushing and lifting from both sides and a new rule to not lock the door if it is just Mommy or Daddy on the other side and my boy was free. Not fun. But the bike ride home was and the kids LOVE bike rides now!

Accommodation - $92
Food - $30
Shoes - $16

Exploring Hoi An

Saturday morning we were treated to a fantastic free breakfast with fresh fruit, eggs, pancakes, and bread basket. Energy restored, Tasi and I went for a walk in search of laundry and groceries. I was headed to the 'Central Market' armed with my map and assurances that I could buy nappies and bread. I was thinking of a supermarket, nope, I found myself in a block of little shops and ladies selling fruit and veggies from small stalls, and more ladies trying to get me to buy something from their tailor shops. I came home exhausted with only bread, nappies, and Ritz crackers, and first made Don wash Tasi's hands and face as 105 people I met along the way stopped to shake her hands or squeezed her cute cheeks. 

After naptime Don wanted to check out the town too, and we needed some food as my first attempt was not successful, so we hopped in a taxi. The market was a bit less chaotic as the morning rush was over, and we found a nice place to have dinner and ice cream!
It POURED on the way home, even though I had ponchos for the kids and umbrellas for us, we were drenched and in need of a hot shower and comfy bed.

Accommodation - $92
Food - $46
Transport - $1
Laundry - $5

Travel Day to Hoi An, Vietnam

Friday morning at 5am we headed to the Singapore airport for yet another travel day! The kids are getting great at playing with whatever is at hand.
And Don is getting quite good at keeping the kids occupied while I take care of border crossings. I was pretty nervous about the Vietnam crossing. Even though I had taken care of getting the approval letter, had double the amount of US currency needed, and filled out the paperwork beforehand I was afraid something would happen. But, everything was fine and after a little waiting we got our "hello Vietnam" stamps in our passport and were on our way. First stop at the ATM and I pulled out 5 MILLION . . . dong! The exchange rate is over 20000dong to 1aud, but I am imagining being a millionaire for a minute :) Once that passed, it was nice to have transportation to our hotel arranged so that Don and I could enjoy the drive to Hoi An while the kids slept. 

Our hotel is beautiful and right on the river.
We have a pool, but it is a bit too cold to go swimming. 
We hung out in our bungalow, had dinner at the hotel restaurant, and tried to stay awake until bedtime!

Accommodation -$92
Food - $46
Transport - $22
Extras - $100 for visa on arrival

Little India & High Tea

On Wednesday Makoa and I spent 3 hours on the pool and I spent about that much online booking the rest of our trip, whew, glad that is finished! 

Thursday was our last full day in Singapore so we decided to explore Little India. We ate lunch at a giant food court at the wet market. After we ate we walked past brightly colored saris and piles of fragrant curry spice. An overload for all our senses.

Walking around we past a photography shop with this portrait inside. 
Ha ha ha! He must have been very proud of that video camera!

In the train station on the way home I told Tasi she either had to hold a hand or go in the stroller. She ran up to grab Makoa's hand :) 
Don and the kids went home and I went to the shopping center that was apparently having an appearance from someone famous.
It was complete madness, and so much fun! Wish I knew who was so exciting, but since I didn't I enjoyed hearing the screams and walking into empty stores. I also stopped from some tea cakes and special mint coffee, yum yum yum!

Wednesday & Thursdays
Accommodation - $186 & $186
Food - $58 &  $28
Transport - $-13 rebate for returning train passes
Extras - $16 for laundry, $62 for visa pics, $52 for a week of internet

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentine's Day at the Zoo

I have been wanting to check out the Singapore Zoo for years and I am so happy we were able to finally go today! Don worked into the wee hours of the morning, so we let him sleep in and left after Tasiana's nap time. Due to our late start we were also able to combine our outing with the Night Safari which is right next door. What a wonderfully long day we were in store for :)

Waiting for Mommy to buy tickets the kids played on a crocodile. 
Then we were off! Makoa was my leader.
He really wanted to go to the kids area up at the top (he is showing me here!) But I wanted to make sure and see the orangutans on the way.
While the adult orangutans were lounging around on the ground, the young ones were climbing in an open space and were right above our heads.
I took this photo - standing directly under them, and then not 2 steps away they started peeing, marking where I was standing!! Close one!

We made it to Kids World and played on the flying foxes.
And I FINALLY got them into their swim gear to play in the Splash Zone. I didn't bring a swimsuit for Don, oops!
Don actually managed to stay dry . . . until the kids both squirted him with animal water guns! Oh well, time to fully join in the fun!!
As you can imagine, we spent about 2 hours at the water area, sliding and squirting each other and splashing!

The park closed at 6 and at 5:30 they shut down the kids area. Time to get dressed and find some energy to walk all the way back to the entrance. It is Valentine's Day after all and I had secretly bought some cookies yesterday. Happy Valentine's Day kiddos!
We also saw a few animals on the way. Tasiana's favorite right now is the giraffe.
Thanks Grandma Lolo and Papa for the zoo tickets, we had an amazing day!!

But we weren't quite finished with our adventures yet! Grandma Dawn gave us tickets to the Night Safari and an ice cream treat so after dinner we went to Ben & Jerry's.
Then we walked next door to the Night Safari.
The park has a few walking trails. Don and Makoa explored the cave.
But since it is so dark, the best way to get around is on the tram that takes you to areas of the park you cannot walk. Many of the animals have open pens and can walk around. Makoa was sitting on one side and if he stuck his hand out I am sure he could have touched the tapir standing right next him. We saw several different night animals and since everything was so much closer (and we weren't exhausted from walking) the kids enjoyed it very much. Then we saw a show and headed home at about 10pm! Thanks Grandma Dawn for our night adventure!

Accommodation - $186
Food - $25
Transport - $28
Extras - Merry Christmas and thank you Grandma Lolo & Papa, and Grandma Dawn!