I have been wanting to check out the Singapore Zoo for years and I am so happy we were able to finally go today! Don worked into the wee hours of the morning, so we let him sleep in and left after Tasiana's nap time. Due to our late start we were also able to combine our outing with the Night Safari which is right next door. What a wonderfully long day we were in store for :)
Waiting for Mommy to buy tickets the kids played on a crocodile.
Then we were off! Makoa was my leader.
He really wanted to go to the kids area up at the top (he is showing me here!) But I wanted to make sure and see the orangutans on the way.
While the adult orangutans were lounging around on the ground, the young ones were climbing in an open space and were right above our heads.
I took this photo - standing directly under them, and then not 2 steps away they started peeing, marking where I was standing!! Close one!
We made it to Kids World and played on the flying foxes.
And I FINALLY got them into their swim gear to play in the Splash Zone. I didn't bring a swimsuit for Don, oops!
Don actually managed to stay dry . . . until the kids both squirted him with animal water guns! Oh well, time to fully join in the fun!!
As you can imagine, we spent about 2 hours at the water area, sliding and squirting each other and splashing!
The park closed at 6 and at 5:30 they shut down the kids area. Time to get dressed and find some energy to walk all the way back to the entrance. It is Valentine's Day after all and I had secretly bought some cookies yesterday. Happy Valentine's Day kiddos!
We also saw a few animals on the way. Tasiana's favorite right now is the giraffe.
Thanks Grandma Lolo and Papa for the zoo tickets, we had an amazing day!!
But we weren't quite finished with our adventures yet! Grandma Dawn gave us tickets to the Night Safari and an ice cream treat so after dinner we went to Ben & Jerry's.
Then we walked next door to the Night Safari.
The park has a few walking trails. Don and Makoa explored the cave.
But since it is so dark, the best way to get around is on the tram that takes you to areas of the park you cannot walk. Many of the animals have open pens and can walk around. Makoa was sitting on one side and if he stuck his hand out I am sure he could have touched the tapir standing right next him. We saw several different night animals and since everything was so much closer (and we weren't exhausted from walking) the kids enjoyed it very much. Then we saw a show and headed home at about 10pm! Thanks Grandma Dawn for our night adventure!
Accommodation - $186
Food - $25
Transport - $28
Extras - Merry Christmas and thank you Grandma Lolo & Papa, and Grandma Dawn!