Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wednesday & the Rainy Afternoon

Don worked last night til 5am so the kids and I managed to stay quiet until 10 when we ventured out to get a juice nearby. Back up for naptime, and Don just started moving. We decided to go to the pool when Tas woke . . . until it started looking like this.
So we opened the curtains and watched the lightening and played this game!
Yep, that is Makoa in the port-a-cot with a mattress on top that Tasiana is jumping on. Seemed like a good idea :) Then we watched the videos we purchased last night. Luckily the rain stopped after a few hours so we made it to the pool after all.

Anita came to babysit at 7:30 and Don and I went to have dinner without kiddos. The taxi driver did not know where we were planning on going, so we ended up walking around Little India and finding Gandhi's Vegetarian Restaurant. It was delicious food, and so nice to sit and relax and not have to rush or entertain little ones. Tomorrow is our last full day in Kuala Lumpur, hope we do something exciting!

Accommodation - $78
Transport - $11
Food - $21
Extras - $20 babysitting & $6 movies

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