Friday, January 13, 2012

Last Full Day

I woke early and jumped on the train to meet the cleaners and garbage pick up. Movers and Salvation Army picked up most of our stuff yesterday but there were a few things left. You can't imagine how much you have to get rid of when you move overseas - wish I took a photo of that! My friend picked me up in Concord and was my personal chauffeur to the Post, Library, and back to the hotel (thanks Shannon!) Kid swap, Don had a meeting at work. It only took 1 hour to get Tasi to take her first nap in a big bed - too exciting to be able to open the door and see Mommy and Koa on the other side :) Then we hopped on a train for the final walk through at Keppel Ave.

So, I must vent for a moment because as a home owner I might appreciate our property agent, as a tenant on her last day before flying to Melbourne, I did not. I could tell from the start that he was going to look for that one thing to pounce on and complain about. First, the lawn, next the walls, windows, floors - tick tick tick on each item as he checks meticulously. Bathroom- glances at the mould covering our ceiling, "you don't have a note on your initial inspection, something has to be done about this, I cannot rent it like this" "right, it isn't our fault that there is problems with the roof and ventilation" . . . on and on and getting tired of the battle, fine will call the cleaners back and have them deal with you instead of me.

So irritating, but I guess it could be worse. Luckily I called the cleaners and she is going to tell him that the house is so old and bathroom not updated that there is nothing she can do about it, then we hung out at the neighbour's house for 2 hours where I vented and swapped irritating property manager tales, and even got a ride back to our hotel. We are done and homeless, hooray!!

Accommodation - Merry Christmas from the Blakes!
Transport - $10 for trains
Food - $25

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