In the taxi Makoa said, "Wait we didn't get to go up in the towers." (We made the choice to go to Megakidz instead of the discovery centre and wading pool at the towers.) So Don distracted with what were the best and favorite bits . . . "our hotel" and "Megakidz" granted we were just there yesterday, but the bird park and aquarium and painting ranked high too, so far Mommy has not disappointed on our outings!
We flew with the local airline, Firefly. We flew out of a tiny airport, but made friends in the waiting lounge.
The airplane ride was a short 1 hour, and was very nice. Our flight attendant was a bit tired I guess, she fell asleep during landing!
We got to the hotel and I was a bit nervous. We left a wonderful place and now we were headed to a Western-style big hotel and we were supposed to have an apartment and I paid extra for Makoa, but wasn't sure how it was going to turn out. I heard Don hold his breath as we first entered the tiny room with a couch and TV, then as I set my bags down I didn't hear him again . . . that was because he went through the GIANT bedroom with desk and couch and TV and was in the closet room with another desk and bathroom. After spending a week in a lovely studio with a wall between the bedroom and living room but no door, this place is massive! I'll post pics later.
The kids and I went to the pool then we all went out to dinner. It was 6:15 and we were starving as we usually eat closer to 5 :) but apparently the town doesn't even really open for dinner until 7, oops! We found an Indian restaurant open, surprised by us ready to eat so early, but willing to serve us! Makoa wore his napkin and crowned himself king, and then we feasted on lots of yummy food.
Afterwards we quickly ate ice cream before it melted.
Then took a trishaw home.
Accommodation -$126
Flight - $262
Transport - $38
Food - $58
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