Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Lion Dance

This morning I went to a coffee shop while Don took the kids to a playground. I saw that there was to be a lion dance at the plaza so they eventually met up with me. Makoa and I had to pay 20 cents to use the toilet and we saw this funny sign.
No standing on the western style toilet people, please save it for the squat ones :)

Then Makoa and Tasiana did a little performance on the stage while the dancers got ready.

The performers were just teens and I enjoyed watching them rehearse before the show.
And really, who doesn't love seeing a bunch of boys in pink satin pants!
They did an amazing job and we even got to pose with the costume while they packed up and Tasi got a few tickles too.
On the way home Makoa and were so excited to find a bakery for Don's birthday cake (big day tomorrow!) and we also found some interesting flavored chips.
Accommodation - $126
Food - $32
Cake - $6

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