Sunday, January 29, 2012

Don Birthday and New Year's Eve!

This year Don's birthday fell on the eve of Chinese New Year. I spoke with the town reps and got them to do a special show just for him :) In anticipation of a big night we were pretty low key during the day. We went to Gurney Plaza in hopes of checking out a restaurant we heard about, only to find them closing early. Apparently, most Chinese have a Reunion Dinner tonight getting together with all of their family to celebrate the new year. Oh well, downstairs to check out Toys R Us. Found this neck float - for all those who want to tie something around your baby's neck to help them stay afloat - just let me know if you want me to pick one up for you!
Makoa found some Star Wars characters, so he showed off his new present. Happy Birthday Daddy!
After dinner we found a playground and the kids played while Don and I checked out the funny graffiti. 
Big dicks, smelling farts, M is wack, and my favorite - cowsperm!!

Back at the hotel we found some matches and sang Happy Birthday to Don and pretty much demolished the cake.

At 9pm we went to Fort Cornwallis for the countdown and show.
I am sure this building has a name, but I don't know it. It was beautifully lit up and all of us were standing in a large field between the Fort and it. You can see a reddish glow of the stage beneath the tree to the left. Michael Jackson even came to sing.
My family is getting tired of smiling I guess!!
Tasi was tired and fell fast asleep despite all the noise. And Makoa had a great view of the lion dance from the sound stage - pays to be a tourist kid :)
At 11:58 Makoa had to go to the toilet so we ran the length of the field to the bathroom near the Fort. They stepped inside and from behind the bathroom the fireworks went off. It was so loud Tas and I hit the ground and rolled over with me saying 'ooh flower' (Tasi's word for firework). Makoa and Don ran out and laid in the grass next to us.
It was a fantastic show and Don and I were reminded of 4th of July in Chico, on the grass watching from Chico High. Although we couldn't FEEL every explosion like we could tonight, I think my chest hurts! We walked half way home and took a nice family pic on a decorated street.
At about the 1/2 way mark Makoa was a bit tired (it was nearly 1am) so we got into a trishaw. We made it around the block and it started POURING, not sprinkles, not heavy rain, like umbrellas and tarps covering us and lakes forming on the street. Thank goodness we weren't walking, and thank goodness we were already in the trishaw, I don't think they would take us if it was already raining. We made it, and after giving a big tip ran inside. I think Don had a good birthday!

Accommodation - $126
Food - $39
Transport - $9 
Extras - $12

1 comment:

  1. Aw... what a fun day! Glad you all got to do something special to celebrate, and now I'm craving cake.
    And I'm pretty sure "cowsperm" needs to be my new 'in a foreign country' swear word.
