Friday, January 13, 2012


This morning Don and I still have a to do list so doesn't quite feel like vacation yet. We tried to get moving early but finally checked out at 11 instead! Finishing the cleaning before we left I went to unload the dishwasher and I cried with laughter.
Don used half a packet of provided dishwashing powder and half a packet of dishwashing liquid! Lesson learned!!!

Checking out and thank you so much Grandma Debbie and Grandpa Bob for the Christmas present of our Sydney hotel. It was wonderful to spend the time at the Quay and we thought of you an and your love for the place too. We are signing thank you as my thank you sign has yet to be made :)

Back to work as Don had to go over some things with HR. We are so so lucky that we did go there too, as Don's brand new backpacking backpack had ripped down the seam 3 inches just from the Quay to Town Hall. We were storing 2 suitcases and the car seats at work so I was able to do a quick swap and we now have 1 suitcase with us and broken backpack holding some clothes that we are getting in March. We were a bit bummed that we are not totally backpacking on this trip now, but we are so happy that we were able to do the switch before our trip and now will get practice wheeling a piece of luggage all over Asia!

On to the airport for our first flight of our Big Trip. Just flying 1.5 hours to Melbourne, but we are all exhausted from the last couple of days (and perhaps weeks of planning/sorting/moving) so it is nice to ease into it. Tasi was so tired she fell fast asleep right after take off, and Makoa was so excited to play with the iPod that it was a pretty uneventful trip.
The kids saw our luggage make it off the plane!

I booked us a room at the Best Western Airport Hotel for the 24 hour free shuttle, and we are even right next to a park. Good tick on accommodation again. Minor hiccup was the fact that our pizza delivery took almost 2 hours to arrive so the kids late to bed as a result and Don had a working night start quite late.

Accommodation - $100
Food - $50
Transport - $50
Flight - Free, booked with miles

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