Sunday, January 29, 2012

New Year's Day

As it was New Years Day today we were prepared not to do much, but then the concierge called us at about 11 and said there were lion dancers at the hotel. We went downstairs and waited for the dance to begin. 
Makoa got his video camera ready too :)
It was incredible to be so close. 
Then we sat and sat and sat in the lobby as the lion must have gone to each office and every floor because it was so long for 2 little kids. When they came back though it was amazing to almost touch the costume. 
The dancers took the offering of mandarins and then pretended to eat them. They gave back a platter with the mandarins in a design and then threw some of the peels. As they danced around they gave all of the children fruit and chocolate money coins. 
It was so much fun. After nap Don took Tasi on a walk and Makoa and I played a huge battle in our giant hotel room. Then I attempted to make some dinner . . . boiling noodles in the ice cube bucket! Note to travelers – always read the label (I ended up with kidney beans in heavy syrup, always wondered how they made sweet bean buns) and make sure your cans have pop off lids if you don’t have a can opener (was lucky with the beans and corn but no peas) and noodles steamed in a bucket can get soggy. Ah well, the kids liked the familiar flavours!
Accommodation - $126
Food - not so yummy but free :)

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