Thursday, November 29, 2012

Sunday - Sinterklaas Arrived in Amsterdam

We left Colorado on Friday - picking up the kids early from school. They were so excited all week about their new toy, book, and show they got at the airport. Our kids always look forward to flying, but we broke one of our rules to help things go smoothly and had a connection in the middle of the night. The kids had the hardest time getting to sleep, then we had to wake them up to go through customs and switch planes in Iceland. When we arrived in Amsterdam on Saturday morning we could not stay awake so were all mixed up on times and Makoa was up from 11pm to 5am, sheesh. When I woke the kids for breakfast Tasi sat up and puked. Not our best start. I think we have finally caught the bug that was going through school before we left. Tasi kept vomiting so Don went to the store to get medicine and drinks and when he got back Makoa and I ran to catch the arrival of Sinterklaas.

Our friend, whose son is in Makoa's class, used to live in the Netherlands and married a Dutchman and told us we were going to be here with Sinterklaas! Very exciting, but also can be shocking so she warned us a bit :) I will let David Sedaris explain if you care to listen!

It was a bit odd as an American to see kids dressed up with painted black faces as we waited. The parade was mostly Black Pete - Santa's 'helpers' being silly and handing out cookies. Makoa got some to fill his pockets and hood.
I did a little research and found that Pete was maybe a freed slave who was so thankful that he stayed with Sinterklaas, but with some racial protest he is now explained as having a black face from going down the chimney. Anyhow, we watched the parade filled with Black Petes as just another cultural learning moment! 
Sinterklaas ended the parade on a white horse and looked fantastic.
When we got home at 4 Tasiana had vomited a few more times and Don was ready to get on his flight to Poland. He left feeling horrible leaving his sick girl, as she was throwing up while he walked out the door. I was up a few times with her at night, poor girl. 

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