Thursday, November 29, 2012

Disneyland and Minecon

With our MineCon tickets we also got a reduced fare to Disneyland and we could not pass up 29euro for the day so off we went! I finally felt better after lunch time, thank goodness Mommy did not get that flu the family had. We went on Pirates of the Caribbean that was not Jack Sparrow-ified like in LA and while Don and Makoa went on Star Tours (yes the same as it was in the 80s!) Tas and I went to check out the snow-characters.

Much to our pleasure the Christmas parade came by! It was so magical for Tasiana. She got to stand right at the end of the sidewalk and Santa even waved at her. She made me hold her up and continued to watch Micky and Minnie dance until the were too far away.

After quickly going on Thunder Mountain we left to catch the end of MineCon. We took pictures by the animals, checked out the haunted house like Mob Cave, and watched the closing ceremony. Makoa was heartbroken when it was over.

So sad little boy tears.

It was dinner time and we had to make up for last nights ice cream cone let down so off to Planet Hollywood we went. Don's coworker was at MineCon as well so he helped sing Happy Birthday and share a ginormous brownie sundae!

It was 7 but we were not done for the night, with more Disneyland to visit are you kidding?! Disneyland Paris is celebrating its 20th year, and it is Christmastime - I love visiting at night and seeing all of the lights.

A few more rides,

(this is what Don and Tas do in line!) And a few more photos.
And time to call it a night!

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