Thursday, November 29, 2012

Tuesday - Travel to Paris

Tasi is finally feeling a bit better. We were up for a bit in the night and I had to wake up the kids in the morning again, but there is some color in the cheeks. I finished packing and we went to the park after checking out. The kids seemed to be having a good time on the swings and sandpit!

I was finally able to take photos of our hotel. We stayed at Hotel Washington on a quaint street in a quiet neighborhood with some crazy, tiny, steep steps up to the 3rd floor.
While we were waiting at the train station it was cold, and a group of Indonesian tourists stopped to take photos with Tasi, ah, just like Asia :)

Don met our train an hour further down and he looked horrible. Apparently puking and falling asleep at the train station after he flew in from Poland. Bummer, I was looking forward to handing over the kids. But, we made it to France! I am so excited to be here and our apartment looks great!

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