Wednesday, October 31, 2012

More Halloween Fun!

Halloween only comes once a year so we really do need to enjoy it as much as possible! As I posted earlier, I took the kids to the Denver Children's Museum on Friday evening. Saturday was Louisville's Monster Dash - a race, trick or treating, goodies . . . I was at a 40th birthday party so Don took the kids. I asked him to take a picture and this is what he got:

 Both kids were Mario as it was a bit cold outside . . . not that you could really tell! And no action shots in town :(
Well, on to Sunday and my mother's group Monster Bash!

Tasi was Princess Peach again, with pink leggins this time. The event was held at a gym so there was a bouncy castle, cakewalk, and carnival type games.

We ran into some friends, ate way too many sweets, and had a blast!

Yesterday we had a big playdate with pumpkin cupcakes, but today, the finale, was the best :) Makoa's school goes on a parade through downtown, with candy bags, shopkeepers open early to see the kids, parents and people in the community watch the few hundred kids walk through town, and the police direct traffic. Maybe we actually live in Mayberry!
 Tasi was Mario again, I love how these hats turned out! And they are fleece so super comfy.
 The parade
 followed by a class party with crafts, snacks, and games.
I was exhausted, but we rallied for our 6 o'clock trick or treating in the neighborhood. Don dressed up too and helped the kids get into the mood (actually killing time until it would be socially acceptable to knock on doors!)

 Then we went and picked up our neighbors, 1.5 year old twins that the kids ADORE!
 My camera wasn't working very well but I wanted to have a picture with the kids. Don couldn't get the flash on with his gloves, Tasi is shoving a glow stick in my face, and Makoa is hiding behind me . . . next year I will be in the Halloween photos!
Happy Halloween everyone, hope you are having as much fun as we are!!

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