Thursday, November 29, 2012

Birthday-Minecon-Disney Studios- Oh My!

My baby is 6 today, wait, what?!! I cannot believe that it is Makoa's birthday and he is 6! Yay, happy birthday kiddo!

We had Makoa's favorite breakfast, buffet. When I asked him what he wanted on our trip he replied, 'choose your own breakfast buffet'. Done!

Back in our room Makoa got to open his presents that the Grandma's sent with us. Minecraft, Ninjago, and generous spending money were the themes. Thanks family it really made it special to have presents and you thinking of us!!!

After a brief play with new toys it was time for MineCon. I love that the kids wore their costumes to MineCon! I worked so hard on Makoa's dwarf and Tasiana's Steve costumes. It made me so happy to see them on. 

They even made it on the big screen!

After the opening ceremonies, some computer play, checking out an Enderman and Minecraft animals,

and generally being overstimulated paired with not much sleep the night before meant we had to go home for a nap. Makoa was so mad he pouted, hid himself, and promptly fell asleep - under the bed!

Disney Studios was open for MineCon attendees at 8pm. We did not however, leave enough time for dinner in Disney lines so Makoa's birthday dinner was a fast food cheese sandwich and a Cornetto ice cream cone that he so nicely shared with his sister. Not ideal, but we did sing Happy Birthday.

Disney Studios was SO FUN! I wasn't feeling well though so Don took the kids on every ride, and I took pictures while sitting down saying "please don't be sick, please don't be sick".

Then home to bed . . . at 11pm!

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