Friday, March 2, 2012

Playing at Dingo Deli

Thursday was our last full day in Hoi An. The kids and I took advantage of the sun and swam, I started packing, and also ventured to the post office. 

In the evening we rode bikes to the Dingo Deli for a play and dinner. We met both owners and had wonderful conversation. They are both Canadian, but lived in Australia for most of their lives. Two years ago they moved to Hoi An and opened a school and restaurant. They had some play equipment built for the kids at the restaurant and the community. Hoi An doesn't have any where for the kids to play, so they are also raising funds to build a larger playground too. If you are looking for someone to support I found their online link here, you can donate any amount to help.

The local kids were so great, carrying Tas and giving lots of kisses. They wanted me to take their photo :)

Accommodation - $92
Food - $33
Extras -$49 at the post (not exactly as cheap as I was hoping, oh well)

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