Sunday, March 18, 2012

A Week in Bangkok

Tomorrow we are boarding a plane to Sydney . . . our holiday part of our transition is through. It feels like ages since we started in Malaysia, yet feels like we've only been gone a short time. I have had some ups and downs this week as I prepare for 2 weeks of final wrap ups in Australia before a week in California and then to Colorado. Earlier this week I was sad this leg was coming to an end, but now I am ready to go back and start the next stage. And I am so ready for some girl time and a little bit more space to spread out :)

Since our flight is tomorrow that means that we have been in Bangkok for a week and I have posted nothing, so sorry. I was sick the first 3 days we were here so we really didn't do much at all. We are staying at a beautiful hotel by the river called, Chatrium, so it was a good place to be sick I guess. We have a big room, there are 3 pools, and even a small playground nearby. Finally by day 4 I was feeling well enough to go out. At the airport I met a woman who gave me a tiny piece of paper with fun things to do with kids. First on the list, Funarium.

Are you surprised I found another indoor play area?! I know you are not shocked to learn the kids had a ball . . . for 8 hours :)

This was by far the best indoor play centre we have been to. It was new and clean, with a restaurant, arts and crafts room, and even a parents room with a TV and comfy couches (where Tasi took her nap!) There were bikes and scooters and roller blades.

I love that Tas walked her scooter! And of course there were tunnels and slides.

So much fun. We also took the hotels river taxi to the train station to a gigantic shopping centre called Siam Paragon. I am not much of a shopper, but I do enjoy air conditioning, access to restaurants, and the kids play areas that usually accompany Asian malls.

 The river taxi ride and our hotel at night.

The last 2 days we have spent by the pool and now the boys are off playing computer games at an internet cafe. We are soaking up our last few moments of vacation by being lazy! Oh and enjoying giant guavas

and trying not to care about my 'last-days-of-holiday-frizz-and-have-no-more-hair-product-in-humid-Asia' hair.

I mean seriously, how am I supposed to work with this!!

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