Monday, March 5, 2012

Water Puppet Show

I feel like I've learned a few things after 2 months in Asia, especially as I secured tickets to the Water Puppet Show tonight after politely holding my spot in line (I was not going to let that lady push in front, but did so with a smile unlike the girl in front of me who tried the dirty look approach which only meant I got helped first while her head was turned!)

Last year in preschool, Makoa learned all about puppets and the kids each made their own and performed. I have been wanting to take him to see the water puppets our whole trip and we finally made it. I managed to get us tickets in the 2nd row, which was perfect, the kids were so into it. Makoa didn't even look away, and Tasi smiled at me after every act when she got to clap and was pointing out the fish and dragons. It was awesome.

The show started with music.

Then the story continued on the water.

The puppeteers came out at the end. Could you imagine working waist deep in water all day? I don't think I could do it, but I am sure happy they do so I could watch this show!

Happy family!

Accommodation - $124
Food - $40
Taxi - $4
Tickets -  $9

1 comment:

  1. That looks awesome! And what a deal for such a special experience
