Friday, March 2, 2012

On to Hanoi

I have not even taken pictures the last 2 days, but we had a great time! We left Hoi An on Friday a bit sad. We so enjoyed the laid back town - riding our bikes every day, lazily spending our days swimming or chatting with new friends, or watching Cartoon Network :) Our flight on Friday was in the afternoon so I picked up laundry, went swimming with the kids, Don ate at his favorite restaurant, before we all ventured to the airport. I promised the kids a treat so bought ice cream. The only choice was durian, a fruit that we hadn't tried as we were warned the flavor was similar to that of stinky feet, but this was with sugar right? Wrong. It was disgusting and we tried to be open minded and give it a go, only to be left with the giggles as we all had sulfur-esk burps. I laughed as we all had hurt tummies and hunted for some food to eat/drink to get rid of the taste!!

The flight was short, and we made it to Hanoi in the dark arriving at our hotel close to 7pm. I was worried when the reception manager said, "Um, hold on a minute, we can't find your reservation." Only to be pleasantly surprised with an upgrade to a 2-bedroom 2-bathroom room. Oh my goodness, we haven't had 2 bathrooms in 2 years, and we just spent the last week having a bathroom double as an office space. We almost didn't know what to do with so much space - a lovely surprise!

On Saturday we spent the day at the hotel eating a giant breakfast, going grocery shopping (in the same building), baking kid snacks, doing my own laundry, and watching TV. Boring blog writing stuff, but needed after nearly 2 months of travels.

Accommodation - $124 & $124
Food - $64 & $49
Transport - $33 &34
Airfare - $159
Laundry - $7

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