Friday, March 2, 2012

Hanoi's Military History Museum

We finally made it out of the hotel to visit Lenin Park and then to the Vietnam Military History Museum. We had read of a nice playground at the park, but this must have been the wrong place.
There were skateboarders, soccer players, rollerbladers, and bike riders, but we didn't see any equipment to play on. Off to the museum across the street.

There were pictures, painting and artifacts from wars over a thousand years old. 
The first building housed items from early battles. The second from the French War.
And we finally made it to the building we were most interested in, with items from the "American War." 
It was amazing to see propaganda posters, photos of officers planning attacks on Americans, and weaponry used in the war. 
Outside there were airplanes, helicopters, and tanks captured or left by the Americans.
The kids also played on a fort from hundreds of years ago and with old cannons too.
It was very interesting to see all these bits of history, but it made Don and I realize that we don't really know enough about the war that had such a big effect on our parent's lives. Off to do some research so that we better understand all that we saw.

Accommodation - $124
Food -$33
Taxi - $6
Museum Entrance - $2.50

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