Friday, October 26, 2012

Snow Days

There was one day in September where it kinda snowed. The kids were excited to see some white out the window and on the way to schoold Makoa tasted it 
 But wasn't too sure about the flavor!

I know, sort of funny that I bring my camera on the way to school on our first 'snow day' but my car and the playground had some white on them!

 But then this week we had our first REAL snow day. When my Wednesday evening class in Boulder finished at 8, it was snowing. Then we woke in the morning and had to put on snow pants as we walk through the field at school to get to Makoa's classroom.
 And the swings and my house look a little different!

 Makoa had the proper gear (snow boots and mittens from REI, snow pants from the thrift store, and last years coat from Auntie B in Alaska) and was so excited to play in the snow. (Not so bad when you aren't freezing your tushie off!) We sledded after school at our friend's house, had snow ball fights, and built half a snowman with daddy, not a bad day at all :)

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