Friday, October 26, 2012

Rock Creek Farms

I love Halloween! It was one of my moms favorite holidays and growing up it was always a fun time to dress up and get candy, and seemed to be the beginning of that magical holiday season leading up to Christmas and New Years. The last 5 years we have been celebrating in Australia. As an American holiday, we always threw a party, but there wasn't much trick or treating and certainly no pumpkin patches. This year I am making up for it and we have so many Halloween related plans it is ridiculous! Last weekend I drug the family to the Rock Creek Farms Pumpkin Patch. 

It is very large and you have to drive to each section of the farm. First stop was the corn maze, a term I use lightly as there were 4 mazes to choose from the lengths varying from .6 to 3.8 miles. Holy cow! For some addition energy Don got himself a caramel apple.

And Tasi helped by pointing out all the corn.

 We felt a bit like tourists - see all the corn and the mountains?!
 We made it through 2 mazes (the second with the help of a map) and were ready to take a picture with the Halloween cat and move on.

 In the second area you could pick your own pumpkin, but we didn't need one, so we headed to the bouncy castle/animal area where their was a bale maze you could run on
 And more of those picture stands.

Isn't Halloween time fun?!

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