Thursday, September 13, 2012

Creepers in the yard!

Over the weekend I made the kids some new shirts. Makoa's creeper shirt from last year is well loved and thus wearing out, and Tasiana loves to have the same as her big bro, so I made similar-yet-different tops for the kiddos. I bought cheepo shirts from Walmart, cut up a black top from the goodwill pile, and made some happy faces!

Tasiana got hers earlier in the day and kept calling it 'my creeper' showing it off at every moment, and Makoa got his later in the day when they were playing outside. Of course their games turned creeper in no time. A creeper is a bad guy in Minecraft that blows up if it gets close to you. So my little creepers ran down the yard,

through Don's nice leaf pile,

and blew up!

I love that it doesn't take much to make kids happy and that they still love what I make them - I hope both last for a lot longer :)


Today was Makoa's Jog-A-Thon! To say he was excited about it is an understatement. Don and I went at 9:50 to watch him run.

After the first lap or two Don joined the race too. I stayed on the sidelines, with the signs the kids made, to cheer on everyone whose name I knew and even those I didn't!

The race lasted 20 minutes and Makoa earned a money for participating and per lap (1/8th of a mile).

That's 13 laps family, pretty awesome!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Labor Day

We were so excited to see the Louisville Labor Day Parade today!

The kids waved at every float from the fireman to the high school bands to the very American square dancing group pulled by a tractor.
It was nearly as good as Halloween - a little wave and people threw candy at them! One float was followed by a mob of kids hoping to get the soccer balls they were handing out, my kids were lucky and one was rolled to them as they sat patiently on the side of the road :)

It was hot and the parade very long and Dad and Auntie Annie were wonderful, sacrificing their white-turning-pink legs in order to provide shade for the kiddos!!
Hope you all enjoyed your long weekend!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Gateway Park

Tasiana started a toddler program on Thursdays and Fridays this week and Makoa's school was off . . . what were we to do? I found a coupon for a buy one get one free round of mini golf at Gateway Park that was going to expire, so we just had to check it out!

We haven't been to putt putt in ages, if you can believe it! The first course wasn't very challenging so Makoa and I took photos and pretended to block the holes so that it took longer.

Turns out we were able to play both courses for our $6, awesome! Gateway also had go karts, driving range, batting cages, and an arcade - definitely will have to go back and check out the other activities, and use our 'Free Game' that Makoa won on our way out :)

Berry Picking

Tasiana and I went to Berry Patch Farms for some berry picking. On August Wednesdays they had a Half Pint Club especially for 2-5 year olds. We rode a trailer to the strawberry field and I tried to keep Tasi from eating all of the fruit before it made it to the basket!   
We also got to see chickens and turkeys running around and heard to workers talk about plants and growing. A very fun outing and perfect for little ones.