Friday, August 17, 2012

Makoa's First Day!

I have many many posts to catch you up on the last 4 months, but today was a special day and I wanted to show you pictures right away . . . Makoa has started kindergarten!!!

We are loving that we are close enough to walk to school.

We took the required first-day-of-school photos :)

Makoa was so excited (with maybe just a hint of nervousness) and he did so awesome setting his bag down before a quick play until the bell rang (and smiling for yet another picture).

The kids lined up so well, telling the teacher their name - you could almost feel the anxiety of all the parents standing around watching. We all laughed as the teacher asked the kids to turn to us and wave goodbye - I love that the kindergarten teacher not only has to help the kids on the first day but the parents as well!! I can't believe that my baby is starting big school . . . but I think Tasi might have taken it hardest of all.

Hope the end of the day is as successful as the start . . .